
文化 2023-12-27 15:29:01 通达百科







Dictionaries and a Person' s Own Language 字典与英美母语

English dictionaries and American dictionaries differ in some of their definitions, as the Americans(USA)and English (Britain) define some words) differently.

An English dictionary will have different applications of words that specifically English (British). These usages won't necessarily be found in American dictionaries, as they are not part of the American English language. Different dictionaries have things in them which unique to that language.

The Oxford English Dictionary is a good example of an English dictionary for the English. For the most part a student's dictionary should correspond to his own language. This does not mean that an American shouldn't use a British dictionary (or vise versa), but if he does, he should aware of the above and check words in a dictionary of his own language as needed.





False and Omitted Definitions


It has been found that some dictionaries leave out definitions or even contain false definitions. If, when using a dictionary, a student comes across what he suspects to be a false definition, there is a handling that can be done. The first thing would be to ensure there are no misunderstoods in the definition in question and then he should consult another dictionary and check its definition for the word being cleared. This may require more than one dictionary. In this way any false definition can be resolved.

Other dictionaries, encyclopedias and text books should be on hand for reference.

If a student run into an omitted definition or a suspected omitted definition, then other dictionaries or reference book should be consulted and the omitted definition found and cleared.




Derivations 词源(字根)

A derivation is a statement of the origin of a word.

Word originated somewhere and meant something originally. Through the ages they have sometimes altered in meaning.

Derivations are important in getting the origine of a word, one will bave a far greater grasp of the concept of that word. Students find that they are greatly assisted in understanding a word fully and conceptually if they know the word's derivation.

A student must always clear the derivation of any word he looks up.

It will commonly be found that a student does not know how to read the derivations of the word in most dictionaries. The most common error they make is not understand that when there is a word in derivation which is fully capitalized, it means that that word appears elsewhere in the dictionary and probably

contains more information about the derivation. (For example, the derivation of "thermometer" is given in one dictionary as THERMO+METER. Looking at the derivation of "thermo," it says it is from the Greek word therme, meaning heat. And the derivation of "meater" is given coming from French metre, which is from the Latin "metrum", which is itself from the Greek metron meaning measure. ) By understanding and using these fully capitalized words, a student can get a full picture of a wrod's derivation.

If a student has trouble with derivations, it most likely because of the above plus a misunderstood word or a symbol in the derivation. These points can be cleared up quite easily where they are giving difficulty.

An excellent dictionary of derivation is the Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, also printed by the Oxford University Press.





常见学生在用大多数字典时,不知道如何查阅词源。通常犯的错误多是,不知道词源中的全大写字母,是表示这个字在其他地方也会出现,并且包含更多的关于该词源之信息。(例如,有本字典里 “ thermometer”一词写出大写的TERMO+METER. 查看themo的词源,来自希腊语therme)意即热度,而meter来自法文metre, 又源于拉丁文metrum, 始于希腊语metron意为测量。明白和使用这些大写字,学习者就能得到单词的词源之全貌。




We have long known the importance of clearing words and it stands that the dictionary

one use to do this would also be quite important.


Drill 实操: 翻阅比较一些英语字典,找出最适合你的一两本,参考上篇字典推荐和本篇,思考一下为何这部字典适合你。



