
育儿 2023-06-08 15:00:36 通达百科

鼻子的英语怎么说1. Nose,the organ that helps us breathe and smell,is an important part of our body. It is located in the center of the face and made up of cartilage and bone.

2. When it comes to the English language, there are many different ways to describe the nose. For example, we might say that someone has a "big nose," a "pointy nose," or a "button nose."

3. Additionally, there are many idioms and expressions that use the word "nose." For instance, "to be nosy" means to meddle in someone else's affairs. And "to follow your nose" means to trust your instincts or intuition.

4. But perhaps the most interesting thing about the nose in the English language is the many different words we have for describing smells. There are words like "fragrant," "stinky," "pungent," "aromatic," and "malodorous," just to name a few.

5. In conclusion, the nose is an important and fascinating part of both our bodies and the English language. By understanding the many different ways we use and describe it, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this oft-overlooked organ.



