
育儿 2023-08-06 13:27:39 通达百科


1. How to Say "第三" in English?

In English, "第三" can be translated to "third". It is a cardinal number used to indicate the position of something in a sequence, preceded by "first" and "second". For example, "This is the third time I've been to Japan."

2. The Usage of "Third" in Sentences

Apart from indicating the position, "third" can also be used in various contexts. It can be used as an ordinal number, describing the quantity, rank, or order of something. For instance, "I need a third cup of coffee to wake me up." Furthermore, "third" can be used as a fraction, indicating one out of three equal parts. For example, "One-third of the population lives in the urban area."

3. Expressions with "Third"

There are many expressions and idioms in English that use "third" as a key element. Here are some examples: - "Third time's a charm": It means that after two unsuccessful attempts, the third one will likely be successful. - "Third wheel": It refers to a person who tags along with a couple on a date or outing and feels left out. - "Third degree": It means an intense interrogation or questioning that is aimed at extracting information or obtaining a confession.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, "third" is an important word in English used to indicate the position, quantity, or fraction of something. Learning how to use it correctly and in what contexts is essential for improving our English proficiency.


